展商名称 北京《演艺科技》杂志社
Company Name Publisher of Entertainment Technology Magazine
地址 北京市安定门东大街28号雍和大厦东楼C座10层1006室
Address Publisher of Entertainment Technology Magazine
电话 010-64097040
传真 010-64002093
网址 www.yykj.org
电子邮箱 cetamag@163.com
展馆号 展厅3
展位号 3102
产品简介 《演艺科技》是由中国演艺设备技术协会主管、主办的国家级期刊,是中国演艺领域唯一的技术与艺术结合的综合性科技期刊。2017年经国家新闻广电总局公布正式确定为第二批学术刊物。杂志内容涵盖演艺设备的技术研发、应用,以及艺术实践,主要栏目有:灯光技术、音响技术、视频技术、演出场馆建设、乐器、舞台美术、广播电视技术、行业扫描等。全年12期,定价120.00元。
Introduction The magazine is in charge of the Ministry of Culture, P. R. China. The sponsor is China Entertainment Technology Association. It is the one and only all-around professional magazine in China. 2017 by the State News SARFT announced officially identified as the second batch of academic journals.The magazine insists that practice coexists with the foresight, science blends with art, the professional and the comprehensive are equally important and the technology is combined with the business information. The main contents are Lighting Technology, Audio Technology, Building of Entertainment Stadium, Musical Instrument, Stage and Film Design, Scanning Industry, and etc.It has 12 period, and is priced 120yuan.