展商名称 广州筑梦灯光设备有限公司
Company Name Guangzhou dream lighting equipment Co.,Ltd
地址 广州市花都区秀全街新华工业区瑞香路21号
Address Guangzhou dream lighting equipment Co.,Ltd
电话 020-81612345
传真 020-36866631
网址 www.dlw-lighting.com
电子邮箱 dream@dlw-lighting.com
展馆号 展厅2
展位号 2105
产品简介 广州筑梦灯光设备有限公司,是一家定位于中高端的专业舞台灯光制造企业。凭借产品技术性能优势先后取得中央电视台、国家大剧院等100多个专业文艺团体销售业绩!筑梦灯光秉承品质生存、创新发展的企业理念,为客户提供更多优质产品及服务。
Introduction Guangzhou Dream Lighting Equipment Co., LTD is an professional manufacture of stage lighting,which mainly target at high-end and mid-end products. Main sales cases: CCTV, National Grand Theater, etc. more than 100 broadcasting and TV, cultural tourism units. Dream Lighting commit to providing high quality products to customers through continuous research, development and innovation.