展商名称 北京东方高科舞台科技有限公司
Company Name Beijing Orient High-tech StageTechnology Co.,Ltd
地址 北京市朝阳区三间房南里4号院DREAM2049文创园
Address Beijing Orient High-tech StageTechnology Co.,Ltd
电话 010-8538 3866  
传真 010-8538 3876
网址 www.dongfanggaoke.com
电子邮箱 office@dongfanggaoke.com
展馆号 展厅1
展位号 1309
产品简介 北京东方高科舞台科技有限公司于2014年底成立,系由原总装备部工程设计研究总院舞台设备研发中心核心技术骨干组建而成,拥有博士、硕士和高级工程师等近百人组成的研发团队,被广泛视为业内技术实力最雄厚的科技型队伍。 东方高科开拓创新,致力于剧场专业设备、军工产品、大型非标机电设备的设计研发。建立了策划咨询、工艺设计、研究开发、加工制造、系统集成、安装调试、售后维保等完整体系,可以为客户提供多元化解决方案及一站式服务。
Introduction Beijing Orient High-tech Stage Technology Co., Ltd.(“OHST” for short) was set up at the end of 2014,It has a R&D team of nearly 100 people, including PhD, Master and Senior Engineer,It is widely regarded as the most powerful technical team in stage industry. With innovation as our priority, OHST is committed to designing and developing for theater professional equipment, military product, large non-standard electromechanical equipment. OHST has established a complete system of planning consultation, process design, research and development, processing and manufacturing, system integration, installation and commissioning, after-sales maintenance, etc. It can provide customers with diversified solutions and one-stop service.