展商名称 诺德(中国)传动设备有限公司
Company Name NORD(China) Power Transmission Co., Ltd
地址 江苏省苏州市工业园区长阳街510号
Address NORD(China) Power Transmission Co., Ltd
电话 0512-85180277
传真 0512-85180278
网址 https://www.nord.cn
电子邮箱 info@nord.com
展馆号 展厅3
展位号 3106
产品简介 诺德是专业的机械和电子驱动技术制造商之一。我们不仅提供个性化驱动解决方案,并通过持续创新成为行业内的闻名供应商。我们始终专注于为您提供更大的价值。
Introduction NORD Drivesystem is one of the major leaders in drive technology worldwide - for mechanical and electronic solutions. We not only provide solutions customised to requirements, but also set up global industry model through continuous innovation. We always focus on providing you with greater value.