展商名称 北京杰西艺电子设备有限公司
Company Name JCE Electronic Equipment Co.,Ltd
地址 北京市丰台区广安路9号院国投财富广场2号楼10层1006-1010室
Address JCE Electronic Equipment Co.,Ltd.
电话 010-63394078
传真 010-63289158
网址 http://www.jce.com.cn
电子邮箱 jce@jce.com.cn
展馆号 展厅3
展位号 3410
产品简介 北京杰西艺电子设备有限公司致力于广播电视领域的专业音频设备系统工程的集成、设备销售、技术咨询及提供完整的技术服务体系。 本公司是业界著名品牌德国SCHOEPS话筒、德国DHD数字调音台、美国COMREX 专业音频传输设备、德国Yellowtec专业音频设备厂商、美国ETS专业配线产品,美国BDI专业广播设备、荷兰EELA AUDIO专业音频设备等产品在中国和港澳地区的独家销售公司。 多年来,公司已成功的为全国上百家省、市级电台电视台提供了信誉卓著、品质优良的音频设备; 并多次承接了中央三大台及诸多省、市级电台电视台系统工程项目。公司还提供技术咨询、人员培训、设备维护等全方位的服务,在行业中树立了稳固的形象和专业地位。
Introduction JCE Electronic Equipment Co. Ltd. specializes in the supply and integration of professional audio/video system as well as technology consultation and after-sales service. It is the exclusive selling agent in Mainland China and Hongkong/Macao area for Schoeps microphone (Germany), DHD consoles(Germany)、Yellowtec(Germany), COMREX transfer products、 ETS products、BDI broadcasting products、 Eela Audio Radio broadcasting products (Netherlands), and etc.. JCE has successfully designed, installed and tested systems for CCTV, Chongqing TV, Sichuan TV, Henan TV, Anhui TV, Hunan TV, Nanjing TV; China Radio International, Shanghai Media & Entertainment Group, Jiangsu Radio, Anhui Radio, Chongqing Radio and more than 100 local TVs and Radios. JCE has established itself as the leader in the professional Audio Visual Field. The equipment marketed by the company is taking an important role in the broadcasting and recording of the TVs and Radios.