展商名称 广州市新智杰光电有限公司
Company Name Guangzhou Xinzhijie Photoelectric Co., Ltd
地址 广州市白云区石井龙湖益龙工业区C栋3楼
Address Guangzhou Xinzhijie Photoelectric Co., Ltd
电话 13763388385
传真 020-86418992
网址 www.xzjlight.com
电子邮箱 438964882@qq.com
展馆号 展厅1
展位号 1319
产品简介 广州新智杰光电有限公司坐落于广州白云区。 我们是一家集研发和销售一体的舞台灯高新技术企业,产品包括各类控制主板,如帕灯主板,摇头灯主板,舞台特效和设备主板,DMX控制台。 我们的控制台在国外享有很高的声誉,已经跟国外一些著名品牌建立了良好的OEM合作伙伴关系。 为了服务客户开发更多有创造性的产品,我公司可以为广大合作伙伴提供OEM和ODM服务。
Introduction Guangzhou Xinzhijie Photoelectric Co., Ltd. is located in Baiyun District, Guangzhou, China. We are a science and technology enterprise integrated R&D for stage light devices,products including control boards, par lights control boards, moving head lights control boards, stage effect lights and equipment control board and DMX controllers. Our controller series has been internationally recognized and favored, we have become some well-known brands OEM partners. For more creative products,we can do our OEM and ODM business for our customers.