展商名称 北京北特圣迪科技发展有限公司
Company Name Beijing BETTE Technology Development Co., Ltd
地址 北京市朝阳区左家庄15号院1号楼6/8/9F
Address Beijing BETTE Technology Development Co., Ltd
电话 010-64635211
传真 010-64636809
网址 http://www.bj-bette.com
电子邮箱 bjbsd@126.com
展馆号 展厅2
展位号 2205
产品简介 北京北特圣迪科技发展有限公司是一家集项目策划、工艺咨询、科研设计、软件开发、产品研发、加工制造、工程施工、安装调试、售后服务为一体的高科技公司,核心团队成员来自原总装院,是原总装舞台的继承者和发扬者。
Introduction Beijing BETTE Technology Development Co., Ltd. was incorporated in 2004. It is a high-tech company with turkey offerings including project planning, process consulting, technological design, software development, product research and development, production, installation and commissioning, as well as after-sales service.